Beekeeping is a wonderful and rewarding hobby. My dad has been doing this for over 30 years, and he’s still working with the bees at the age of 80. I hope you will enjoy these 5 tutorials for making beehives. I have tried to pick some tutorials that are relatively easy to follow. I’m a visual learner, so videos are great too.
I don’t know a lot about beekeeping, but I have learned that you need to follow some fairly precise dimensions when making hive boxes or supers. Bees need an optimal amount of space to move around and do their never-ceasing work. I haven’t built a beehive but my dad has made several, and they’re relatively easy to make with the right tools. He has always gone with the traditional Langstroth Hive and that’s what you’ll see in the tutorials below.
You’ll also want to do some research on keeping and maintaining bees. My dad has been a member of the Chattahoochee Beekeepers Association and has learned a lot through that organization. There are many beekeeping organizations out there. So, look for one near you.
5 Tutorials For Making Beehives
How to Make a Honey Bee Box
This is a great article from wikiHow. It has many pictures and a simple overview of the different parts of a beehive. It also shows the dimensions of the boards and how they should fit together.
How to Build a Better Beehive
This article comes from the Modern Farmer website (written by Cam Pauli). This article lists all the tools you’ll need along with the dimensions for the boards and how to make the cuts. The article claims that it will cost you about $60 in materials compared to a $150 store-bought beehive. I only wish that they had shared a few more pictures on the construction of the hive.
How to Make a Simple Langstroth Beehive
This is an excellent 20 minute video put together by Jason Kish. You might be more of a visual learner, so this video will help you see step-by-step how to make a super. And it looks like he has a few other videos related to beekeeping on his YouTube channel.
10-Frame Langstroth Beehive
This is a very good article from Instructables. It goes step-by-step into how to make a beehive with plenty of photos. The article also tells you how to establish the bees in the hive.
Building a Beehive for $20 (Part 1)
Although the video quality is not great, this is a fairly detailed tutorial. Part 1 goes through measurements and cuts. Part 2 goes into the assembly. These vides are brought to you by Brinks Bees. His channel also has several other videos on beekeeping.
Well, I hope you found these 5 tutorials for making beehives interesting and helpful. Please use the comments field to share other tutorials you may know about.

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