I could hardly contain my excitement this morning. I spent the morning finishing up my second wood bowl. And—I made my first lever action pen. This will be a big hit with hunters and gun enthusiasts.
The pen works much like a click pen. But with this pen you pull the lever down (like you would a lever-action rifle) and the writing tip projects out. Pull the lever down again and it retracts.
If you want to make this pen you can buy the lever action pen kit from a few sources:
It would appear that Berea Hardwoods and Arizona Silhouette have better prices on the kit. Don’t forget to buy the bushings and the 10 mm drill bit.
Here are some instructions from the Arizona Sihouette website.
The two bushings are identical sizes, and you only have to turn a short piece for the lower barrel, as the upper barrel is entirely the lever-action mechanism. This pen comes with an antique brass plating and you can purchase an antique nickel plating. If you don’t have access to shed antlers, you can purchase antlers from the same suppliers I mention above.
If you decide to use antler, be sure to read my article: 12 Tips for Making Deer Antler Pens
If you are interested in buying a pen from me, please use the contact link above, and I will email you within 24 to 48 hours.
The lever action pen was very fun and easy to make. Enjoy some of the pictures below showing the different stages of the pen.
In picture below, I just finished glueing in the pen tube, and now I’m trimming the antler down until I reach the ends of the pen tube.
Here, I have mounted the rough antler blank to the pen mandrel. I’m getting ready to turn the blank.
Pictured below is the turned anter blank. Before I start sanding it, I will apply some CA glue to fill the pores.