Hope you are doing well my friend! In this article I simply want to share my top 5 outdoor projects. I call them my top projects because I get the most interest and downloads from these. But they’re fun to make and look great in your yard or around your home. Enjoy!
You can check out my montage video first to get an overview of these 5 projects or skip the video and go straight to the 5 tutorials below.
#5 – Mason Jar Lantern

I love this little wooden lantern. The mason jar serves as both the globe for the light and the way to activate the push tab light. Only a few tools are needed and it’s easy to make one Saturday.
Tutorial Link: Make a Mason Jar Lantern
#4 – Giant Jenga Yard Game

Overall, the giant Jenga-like yard game is a fairly easy project. Just cut 48 blocks of wood and build a simple box to hold them. To make it look nice, my daughter did a little painting and staining. We also added handles and a bottle opener.
Just to be upfront, my daughter helped me on this project and did 98% of the project. I guess I helped her to be exact. I’m so proud of her and her artistic side and willingness to learn something new.
Tutorial Link: Giant Jenga Yard Game
#3 – Leopold Bench

I love this simple and elegant bench, originally designed by Aldo Leopold, who is considered the father of wildlife management. I hope you enjoy the Leopold bench build. I’ll show you step-by-step how to make the bench, and I’ll use plenty of photos. Only a few basic tools are required and the skill level is easy. I’m also providing free Leopold bench plans, for your convenience.
Tutorial Link: Leopold Bench Tutorial and Plans
#2 – Adirondack Chair

Okay — not another adirondack chair tutorial!! Don’t we have enough of those? But I promise this design is very different. In my humble opinion, this makes for an elegant design that will enhance your back yard or porch. Some parts of the design are extremely simple and some can be a little challenging. Overall, it’s an easy project you can build over the weekend, using a few tools.
Tutorial Link: Adirondack Chair
#1 – Cornhole Boards

I hope you enjoy my new tutorial on how to make cornhole boards. Like most of America, I’ve been sheltering in place during the Covid-19 pandemic. And so woodworking projects make the time spent at home more pleasant. My daughter has been begging me to make a set of cornhole boards, so I gladly complied. I told her to consider this an early wedding gift.
Tutorial Link: Cornhole Boards
I hope you enjoy my top 5 outdoor projects. All of these will enhance your yard or your home.

Are you starting up a new shop? Want to work safer in your shop? To help you answer these questions I've put together a 2-part checklist -- Home Shop Safety & Tool Checklist.
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