Turn an Antler Cross
Learn how to turn an antler cross. I recently made an easter cross on my wood lathe. You can watch the video below to see how I make it.
I used a parting tool to remove most of the antler material and then a negative scraper and square carbide tool to refine it. This particular antler is from an elk shed and was very porous in the center. The piece of antler was approximately 1.25 inches wide and 3 inches long. It’s important to use a straight piece of antler.
I used CA glue to attach the antler to a waste block on the lathe. It’s important to use the tailstock for support while turning. Make sure to wear safety glasses and a respirator when turning. I ran my dust collector to suck away the fine antler dust.
I had to use some medium CA (super glue) to fill the antler pores and then I used fine sandpaper to finish sanding what I could on the lathe.
The bandsaw came in handy to create the beams for the cross and then I did some shaping / sanding with the belt sander. Then the final steps involve sanding with fine sandpaper until the antler shined.
Turn an Antler Cross Video
I hope you enjoyed learning how to turn an antler cross. Please check out my other antler cross crafts and videos. Would love to have you join my email list or subscribe to my YouTube channel.
God bless!

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